20.2. - 15.3.2020 Welcome to the real life according to somebody else at HAA Gallery

Welcome to the real life according to somebody else

Galleria Rantakasarmi
opening 19.2.2020 5 pm - 7 pm

Neon paint does not enable great paintings but painting does enable great neon paints.

I have combined porcelain artworks to gouache on plywood and to polaroids in order to define the three
levels of dirt, city tarnish and different aspects on smoke

I have brought neon pigment from Berlin and gold from Paris. I try to refine the personal style and taste,
but end up it being terrible/gilded. I decided to paint rococo skies to lighten things up.
The tarnish comes from the ground life, the smudge is smoke from cigarettes, the dirt is an attitude.

The whole exhibition is about the yearning of capability to deal with things, and that is what the
multipage written statement is about, too. It handles about All American Aspects On Love, a long poem
“Ornamental Vomit”, it is about an abstract thinking capability and covers an emotional vast scale.

I like to wash my hands three times since I like to spare my lighter, and only my lazy will over do my OCD.

The artist will give a lecture about the open source mentality in material and within ceramic art o
Thursday March 12th 2020 at 5 pm.