One year ago I was at Cité International des Art in Paris doing a recidency. I spent a many Wednesdays at Sévres archives and I still have a lot to write about the findings from the archive. To get around, the obvious way was to take a metro. At the stations there is the honey color glazed decorative tiles around the big advertisement porters and even lovelier deco on top of the frames (as seen in the photos). In French the glaze is called "Miel" for honey.
There is a tiny plaque in one of the metro stations, which I tried to search every time exiting a metro shuffling around the city, which tells a bit of the history of the Miel glaze. The plaque was put there to celebrate the 100 years of Paris metro (1900-2000). In 1920's to 1930's the ceramics companies around the area made the tiles. Note the classic metro tile, as well!